Hayr Barthev Gulumian
Life Coach
Spiritual Leader
based in Los Angeles, USA.
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Hi, I'm Barthev Berj Gulumian
Reverend Barthev Gulumian (known as Hayr Barthev) is of Armenian descent, born on January 28, 1976, in Aleppo, Syria, but raised in Beirut, Lebanon. He is the second of four children, three boys and a girl, born to Mr. Kevork and Mrs. Antoinette Gulumian. His parents named him Berj at birth.
From 1979 to 1987, Hayr Barthev obtained his primary education from the Holy Forty Martyrs Armenian Private School in Beirut, Lebanon. However, since he was a little boy of six, he expressed his wish to his parents to admit him to a seminary instead of a regular school; explaining that he had seen a vision where Jesus Christ told him “You will have countless hard aches in life; follow me.” His parents resisted his will to send him to a seminary, but agreed to take him to church every Sunday, where later he became an acolyte and his passion for Christ grew from his continuous visions and service.
In 1987, at the age of 11, he had finally managed to convince his parents to admit him to the Zarehian Seminary of the Great House of Cilicia, a place where Hayr Barthev’s history has initiated from. His thirst and passion for Christ and His children grew by the second, and in 1992, during the reign of Catholicose Karekin II of Cilicia, he became an ordained Deacon, by the late Archbishop Ghevont Chebeian
While at the Seminary, he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theology, and upon graduation in 1995, he was ordained as a celibate priest (Apegha) by Archbishop Oshagan Choloian, and received the name of Rev. Fr. Barthev Gulumian, known to the Armenian community as Hayr Barthev.
For the next three years, from 1995 to 1998, Hayr Barthev served as an assistant Dean at the same seminary where he graduated from. He also taught religion and music (Hymns of the Armenian Church) at the Zarehian Seminary and Yeghishe Manougian Armenian High School. Parallel to these, he also conducted the “Shnorhali Choir” of the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia.
During the summer of 1998, Hayr Barthev was in search of higher Theological knowledge and education, which led him to Rome, Italy, where he continued his education at the Pontifical Oriental Institute. In 2001, he earned a Masters of Arts Degree in Theology and Liturgy.
On October 3, 1999, while on a short visit to Lebanon, he was ordained as a Very Rev. Fr. Barthev Gulumian, and received the title Archimandrite (Vartabed) by His Spiritual Teacher, Confession Father and Brother in Christ, late Archbishop Zareh Aznavorian.
Upon his graduation from the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome, he found out that Archbishop Zareh Aznavorian, who was dearly loved by Hayr Barthev and many others, was suffering of liver cancer and needed a donor. This was the man who had done great things for the Armenian Church and Armenians in general, and without hesitation or second thoughts, Hayr Barthev knew that he had to help his spiritual teacher with all he was capable with. Within few weeks Hayr Barthev was on his way to Los Angeles to meet Zareh Srpazan, who was in America already for treatment. With our Lords guidance and encouragement, Hayr Barthev expressed his wish to be tested as a donor. Both Archbishop Zareh Aznavorian and Hayr Barthev had undergone several tests with results that Hayr. Barthev was a true match for beloved Archbishop. On June 15, 2001, Hayr Barthev donated a portion of his liver to Archbishop Zareh. With Our Lord’s Blessings the surgery went well, and the life of beloved Srpazan was extended by 3 more years. On April 30th, 2004, Heaven gained an Angel, Zareh Srpazan, who died of breast cancer, a rare type of cancer in men.
Even though after the surgery, Hayr Barthev suffered of severe liver pain and lost the feel of his right arm, this did not prevent him from serving our Lord wholeheartedly and without regrets. Once returned to Lebanon, he was assigned as the Assistant Dean of the Seminary by His Holiness Aram I of the Great House of Cilicia, and within a matter of several months was promoted as the Dean of the Seminary. During these years, from 2001 to 2005, he taught several subjects at the Seminary, was a member of the Religious Council of the Central Executive Committee, conducted the “Shnorhali Choir” of the Catholicosate of the Holy Sea of Cilicia, and created “Zarehian Men’s Choir” at the Seminary, and “Komitas Men’s Choir” in Beirut. Meanwhile, he wrote several books and publications.
During these four years, even though Hayr Barthev was occupied with the above-mentioned responsibilities, he was still in severe post-surgery pain that only seemed to get worse. Sometime in the year 2005, when he and several of his dearly loved brothers in Christ were in prayer together, Hayr Barthev saw another vision. In his vision a large fireball from the sky landed onto his body and exploded inside of him, leaving him in complete sweat, strengthless and eventually painless. Seconds later he saw Holy Virgin with baby Jesus in Her arms approaching him. Behind the Holy Mother and Son was Zareh Serpazan with His Angelic smile. Baby Jesus reached his tiny hand towards Hayr Barthev’s right arm, and as He glided His healing hand from his arm down to his fingers, Hayr Barthev testifies how the pain escaped his body from that second on. After that one spring evening, Hayr Barthev was healed completely.
In the summer of 2005 Hayr Barthev was assigned a new role, which led him to the United States of America, as a Co-Director of Christian Education of the Western Prelacy of Northern America. 2005 became the year of spiritual renaissance and growth for the Armenian Community of Los Angeles. Hayr Barthev not only brought the current generation of American Armenians back to their roots and the Armenian Church but became the bridge between the Church and the People. Between 2005 and 2011, he conducted countless Bible studies in numerous Armenian Churches on weekly basis, created Western Prelacy’s first Youth Choir called “Lusavorich” that presented with a phenomenal concert with over thousand attendees, led the youth and young adults group of the Western Prelacy of America, organized numerous Spiritual Seminars and Camps for the Youth, visited local hospitals and nursing homes to pray for the sick or simply to show Christ’s Love to others, held a hand to the needy on daily basis, taught at Armenian schools, acted as the co-editor of the “Brismag” Armenian newspaper; which is printed and distributed by the Western Prelacy of the Armenian Churches in Northern America, visited Los Angeles area jails and prisons to minister Armenian inmates and prisoners, provided religious and spiritual support to local families in financial, inter-familial, spousal and youth troubles, lectured on Christian education at various events organized by churches, schools, universities and other community organizations, acted as the Vice President of Western Prelacy’s Religious Council, was interviewed by various Armenian TV programs and radio talk shows on religious and spiritual subjects, and most importantly touched and changed countless lives by bringing them closer to Christ. His ministry span both within the Armenian community and surrounding non-Armenian communities.
The American Armenian Community of Los Angeles was in complete joy for the presence of such Reverend in our community, since he was and remains to be a God sent for all who know him. It’s not Hayr Barthev that thousands follow, but Christ that lives in him. Unfortunately, that joy came to its end on a gloomy Autumn day in 2011, when the Armenian Community of Los Angeles found out that their dearly loved Hayr Sourp was arrested and under the surveillance of the Los Angeles International Airport’s immigration officers; because his R1 visa was expired, and the Western Prelacy of Northern America failed to do its duty of either extending their employees legal paperwork or simply sending him back the Holy Sea of Cilicia in a proper manner. A whole day later, he was released with 7 day US stay extension, for the purpose of collecting his belongs and going back to Lebanon. On October 30th, 2011, Hayr Barthev was deported from the United States of America.
American Armenians of Los Angeles and surrounding counties were in spiritual desperation, they needed their Spiritual Father and Brother in Christ, Hayr Barthev, back to Los Angeles and to their lives, but no one would hear their cries and their requests were never addressed. For the purpose of forgetting the past, we will leave the details unmentioned, Hayr Barthev has forgiven them all.
On January 4, 2012, Hayr Barthev was sent to Venezuela as the Dean of the Parish Council; Director of both the Religious and Executive councils and the Pastor of St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church of Venezuela. During his short stay there, he conducted weekly bible studies, led the youth and young adults’ groups and taught Saturday and Sunday Schools, where as the principal of the schools he also prepared the annual school programs. He was available for everyone in the community at any given time and counseled everyone on spiritual, marital or any personal matters. Unfortunately, Venezuela has a very small Armenian community, and his work did not reach to great heights.
In the summer of 2012, Hayr Barthev came across to yet another legal stay matter, this time in Venezuela. Before the expiration of his Venezuelan visa, Hayr Barthev returned to Beirut, Lebanon, for the purpose of getting extension of stay and return to Venezuela. Meanwhile, he applied for a tourist Visa to the United States so that he could come and take all his belongings with him to his newly assigned Parish.
On a beautiful autumn day, in the year 2012, Hayr Barthev surprised the entire Armenian community by returning back to Los Angeles. He was supposed to stay for a month only, but the Armenian community demanded his stay. With the support and sponsorship of many members within the Armenian community in Los Angeles, Hayr Barthev remained in the states and continues what he had left behind.
In the spring of 2013, Hayr Barthev found Faith Hope Love Mission, a registered nonprofit organization based in Glendale, California. Today, hundreds attend to his Bible studies from all over Los Angeles, Orange County, and surrounding counties, while several thousand Armenians from all over the world follow his weekly conducted bible studies and daily messages through Facebook and YouTube. With the guidance and blessings of our Lord, Jesus Christ, Hayr Barthev will continue his ministry of seeding Christ’s Faith, Hope and Love in the lives of everyone.
While Hayr Barthev has devoted his life to God in true worship and desire to be used to motivate, inspire, and arouse the Body of Christ to worship God in Spirit and in Truth, heaven had additional plans for him and his life. In the summer of 2014, with our Lord’s blessings, Hayr Barthev wed Ms. Liliya Marlie Chobanian, and since then has built a beautiful Christ centric family.
Today, in addition to weekly in person Bible Studies and daily messages on social platforms, Hayr Barthev also directs the Sunday Choir at St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church of Pasadena, California. He continues to visit hospitals and nursing homes to provide prayers and supports all in need, mentors the youth of the community, counsels couples, prepares weekly TV programs on religious subjects, coaches and counsels families in need, organizes pilgrimages to Holy sites, teaches private Armenian lessons, and appears as guest speaker on many TV programs and events organized by Faith Hope Love Mission and other local community organizations.
“I shall preach until my last breath” is the main goal Hayr Barthev has in his earthly life, and we ask that you keep him in your prayers for God to grant him the wisdom to lead His flock and physical and mental health to be able to continue to do it.
P.S. – please note that many of the events in the above biography has been summarized for the purpose of keeping Christ’s Love in our Hearts.
Years of Experiance
Rev. (Barthev) Berj Gulumian
Date of birth:
January 28, 1976
Los Angeles, USA.
What I Do?
Ways I can help you with your journey to Christ.
Marriage/Couple/Youth Counseling
Armenian Language Private Classes
Invitation to Community Events/Programs
Invitation to Bible Studies (US or International)
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If you have any questions or need spiritual guidance/counselling, please feel free to send me an e-mail. If you don't get an answer immediately, I might be away on a pilgrimage or visiting the sick. I'll get back to you as soon as I can. That's a promise!
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 981 Glendale, CA 91209Contact Hayr Barthev:
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